Bob Dylan conta a primeira vez que viu Suze Rotolo:
“Right from the start I couldn’t take my eyes off her. She was the most erotic thing I’d ever seen. She was fair skinned and golden haired, full-blooded Italian. The air was suddenly filled with banana leaves. We started talking and my head started to spin. Cupid’s arrow had whistled past my ears before, but this time it hit me in the heart and the weight of it dragged me overboard.”
“Right from the start I couldn’t take my eyes off her. She was the most erotic thing I’d ever seen. She was fair skinned and golden haired, full-blooded Italian. The air was suddenly filled with banana leaves. We started talking and my head started to spin. Cupid’s arrow had whistled past my ears before, but this time it hit me in the heart and the weight of it dragged me overboard.”
(Crônicas, Volume I)
Sempre achei Suze a melhor namorada do Bob. É verdade que ele foi um canalha com ela - trocou-a pela Joan Baez, que depois também seria trocada pela Sara Lownds, futura Mrs. Dylan - mas ele a amava muito e até antes de morrer, tudo que eles passaram juntos sempre foi uma presença paralela à existência de Suze, não importando, de acordo com ela ,"com quem ou onde estivesse ou que quer que fizesse."
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